Adding Race Crews - Start Recruiting Today!
Do you want to increase revenue while decreasing your workload? Begin by building a timing staff. Having a team of qualified staff working for you creates a safety net for your business. A well-trained staff also gives you the flexibility to choose which event(s) you will attend. After your staff is thoroughly trained, you can book multiple events on the same day, which will allow you to build your business and increase revenue.
CEO and Founder Kurt Hansen stresses the importance of adding crews, "If you want to grow your business, one of the smartest things you can do is to add a second or third race team. Train them well, and you’ll significantly increase your market share and enjoy greater profits."
A Note About Fixed Costs
Timing companies have many “fixed costs". A few examples include: internet service, insurance, company website, storage facilities, etc. The good news is that even when you increase the number of events you manage, these fixed costs will typically remain the same. As a result, your overall take home pay from each contract will increase as you win more events. Having a race crew will allow you to keep up with the demand of more events, which translates to more revenue for your business.
Who Should You Hire?
Characteristics to look for in a new hire:
Doesn't mind working early mornings or weekends
Passionate about the sports industry
Interested in learning more about technology
Where to look for possible candidates to post a job opening:
Collegiate sports clubs
Local high schools
Local running clubs
Your events
How to Recruit
Race timing is a terrific job opportunity for someone who doesn't like the typical 9 to 5 work day. Often times, athletes will find race technology fascinating. An ideal candidate is someone who regularly attends races. They most likely will be interested in the inner workings of the technology used at events. You will also find that people are motivated to help raise money for charities and surrounding communities. Highlight the benefits of working for your company. If you're passionate about your business, the people that work for you will be too.
The "Org" Chart
We encourage you to think of your team members as falling into a place on this very simple organizational (org) chart. You, the owner, are at the top. Underneath you are the Lead Timers. They are well-trained staff, who know the ins and outs of each race and can time events without your supervision. Under the Lead Timers is the Timing Staff. Your Timing Staff is not required to know anything about timing or the systems. They attend events to assist the Lead Timer(s) and lift heavy equipment.
The following training categories are important to discuss with your Lead Timing Staff:
How to represent you and your company
How to time races and set up gear
What to do when things don't go as planned
Training - How to represent you and your company
Lead Timers and Timing Staff need to know their specific duties and what's expected of them. It's critical that each staff member knows your company standards and how to represent themselves at each event. Discuss with each new hire how to dress, how to introduce themselves, and what their responsibilities are while on site.
Training - How to time races and set up gear
We recommend the following process for new Lead Timers:
1. Have timers watch the videos available on ITS-Social. Focus on the basics and have them time simple events first.
2. Timer should spend approximately 8 hours practicing under supervision (see practice guide below).
3. Timer should time at least 2 races that you attend, but present yourself as a worker to the race director.
4. Timer should time at least 2 races with additional Timing Staff, so they can focus solely on timing.
Training - What to do when things don't go as planned
It is essential for you to take your trainees through as many real-world situations as possible. Lead by example and begin by showing and explaining the entire timing process to your trainees. Once they have observed the entire process a few times, allow them to take you through the process, while you watch and answer any questions. Troubleshoot any problems that may come up during a race. Allow the trainee to solve any issues on their own, while you observe. Make your timing staff independent, so when you're not available, they will be able to fix problems on their own.
You need to have a standardized system. Try to offer the same set of services to most races, and ensure your staff is well trained on them. If you have a customer that deviates from "normal", you may need to attend that event to make sure everything runs smoothly. Systemization allows for a successful event and satisfied customers.
Practice Guide
Below is a list of scenarios to practice before your staff goes out to time a race without you:
Power failures
Reader disconnects
Internet connection failures
Registration errors
Incorrect DB Mode Set
Extreme weather scenarios
How to quickly train registration volunteers
Good luck and happy hunting for your new employees!
About Innovative Timing Systems, LLC: Innovative Timing Systems, LLC is a privately-owned company, providing leading-edge sports timing solutions and race timing services through a network of over 500 locations around the world. ITS provides advanced chip technologies, race kiosks, large athlete displays, live web updates, automated race photos, social media integration and mobile apps. Founded in 2008, ITS is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri and has sales, support, and engineering facilities in numerous locations around the world.
About ITS YOUR RACE: ITS YOUR RACE is the leader in online event management. An all-inclusive endurance event platform, ITS YOUR RACE offers easy registration and results with custom features including sponsorships, advertising opportunities, GPS tracking, athlete photos, finisher certificates, fundraising, and more. Over 10,000 events have chosen ITS YOUR RACE.
Innovative Timing Systems is a registered trademark of Innovative Timing Systems, LLC. RaceTimes is a trademark of Innovative Timing Systems, LLC.