Tips For Hosting More Kid-Friendly Events
You know what they say, “A family that runs together, stays together.” Okay, that might not actually be the saying, but you get the point. Parents who attend racing events are faced with unique challenges when they decide which races they will sign up for. One parent is likely going to have to stay home with the kids. If there’s no sitter available, a single parent or married couples that run together may have no choice but to bring their kids to a race with them. For these reasons, races that cater to adults only may be missing out on maximizing profits. It’s important to market not only to adults, but also to children. Hosting an event the whole family can enjoy gives parents peace of mind and allows you the opportunity to sell more race entries. Here are some tips to ensure your races are exciting for both parents and their children.
1. Host a Kids’ Race
Chances are a small child will not be able to run in a 5K or 10K, but they will be excited about a 100-yard dash. Kids mimic their parents, and if mom or dad are running in a race, then the child will most likely want to run as well. Offer a prize to the winner, or even a small incentive to all children who cross the finish line. Give out a toy or a healthy snack to encourage participation.
2. Offer a Family Discount
Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults. Children who run in your events now could very well be the adults that run in your events in the future. It’s important to get children to start attending your races at a young age. In order to reach the them, your events must appeal to the parents. Incentivize parents by hosting Kids Run Free Races or offer a family discount on race entries.
3. Get Creative with Activities
Kids are full of energy and love to be involved in outdoor activities. Create an environment that thrives on kids’ imaginations and taps into their creativity. Hire a face painter, balloon artist or a Disney character. Set up an obstacle course, craft stations, or a bounce house . Think outside the box! For instance, if the race benefits a certain group, like veterans, you can create a station for children to write letters to those serving overseas in the military. Activities like these will occupy their time and allow them to get involved in a good cause.
4. Turn up your Snack Game
Everyone loves FOOD! Create a memorable day by having local food trucks set up shop. In advance, talk to nearby restaurants and ask if they would be interested in handing out free samples. A carnival theme is a great idea for families. Food items such as funnel cakes, cotton candy and popcorn are always a hit! Remember to ask local vendors if they would be interested in being a sponsor as well.
5. Offer a Race for Everyone
Why so serious? Not all races have to be competitive events for elite athletes. Sprinkle your events with creativity by hosting a color, mud, foam, bubble, or water run with obstacle courses. Not only will this allow the entire family to participate, but you will entice young adults to your event. Sometimes, what’s fun for kids is fun for adults too! It’s great for adults to act like a kid again, even if only for a short time.
Being active is an important habit to cultivate in our youth, it can help offset multiple health issues and even extend our lifespans. Hosting races that are welcoming to the entire family will impart the message to kids that being active is not only fun, but can help the community. You might even make lasting impressions on children who attend your event and create life-long customers.
About Innovative Timing Systems, LLC: Innovative Timing Systems, LLC is a privately-owned company, providing leading-edge sports timing solutions and race timing services through a network of over 500 locations around the world. ITS provides advanced chip technologies, race kiosks, large athlete displays, live web updates, automated race photos, social media integration and mobile apps. Founded in 2008, ITS is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri and has sales, support, and engineering facilities in numerous locations around the world.
About ITS YOUR RACE: ITS YOUR RACE is the leader in online event management. An all-inclusive endurance event platform, ITS YOUR RACE offers easy registration and results with custom features including sponsorships, advertising opportunities, GPS tracking, athlete photos, finisher certificates, fundraising, and more. Over 10,000 events have chosen ITS YOUR RACE.
Innovative Timing Systems is a registered trademark of Innovative Timing Systems, LLC. RaceTimes is a trademark of Innovative Timing Systems, LLC.