Jaguar K-CHIP

Disposable Timing Chip with pricing as low as $0.75 each
​​​​​​​​The K-Chip is our least expensive chip that can be placed on your own bib. It's less powerful than our KF or B3-Chip, so it's really designed to smaller events that are not held in rain, mud or snow. It's razor thin and some of our customers use them for stair climbs, kids races and other activities where the athlete is not moving quickly through a large finish line. If you want maximum read rates and performance, you'll want to look at the KF-Chip, which is twice as powerful as the K-Chip.
We are the world leader when it comes to timing chips. We have 12 different solutions that maximize the read success for every imaginable type of race. We can even custom design a chip for your event.
NOTE: Race timing chips don't work on their own, you need a system to read them.
NOTE: Prices on timing chips can change for many reasons, so check with your sales representative to confirm current pricing.
Great for: Running events from 100 to 1,000 participants as well as stair climbs.