Jaguar H-CHIP

Disposable Timing Chip on a Helmet with pricing as low as $1.40 each
​​​​​​​​The patented H-Chip was a revolutionary addition to our product line. It uses our KF-Chip technology, but has wings that fold down into, or onto, a bike helmet. The adhesive used is from 3M and it's remarkably strong, while also not leaving a permanent residue on the helmet. Although originally designed for timing cycling races, it's been used for many other types of races including dogs, horses, camels, etc. It's rare for this chip not to deliver 100% chip reads when used properly.
We are the world leader when it comes to timing chips. We have 12 different solutions that maximize the read success for every imaginable type of race. We can even custom design a chip for your event.
NOTE: Race timing chips don't work on their own, you need a system to read them.
NOTE: Prices on timing chips can change for many reasons, so check with your sales representative to confirm current pricing.
Great for: Cycling events from 100 to 100,000 participants