What is it that most race sponsors or advertisers want to achieve when they support an event? They want to make a powerful impression on as many people as possible. They're spending their marketing dollars and hoping for a great return on their investment. Well...there's a reason why races and events of all kinds want to do business with a Jaguar timing company. We deliver insane numbers when it comes to impressions. Let's take a look.
The Jaguar platform was built from the ground up to offer amazing services to athletes and races. Back in 2008, we were already doing scrolling results with real-time rankings. Shortly later, we rolled out the first race Kiosks with live data streaming in from all the timing points. Not long after, we were sending text messages to finishers and their families. We were the first company to roll out an App for mobile phones that was tightly integrated into the timing system...delivering real-time results, rankings and more. Let's not forget we also starting taking real-time automated photos from around the race course and uploading them to our cloud servers so that athletes could view them on our Apps, on our web site, and even on a race website! We've never stopped innovating and we continue to set records in many categories.
Today, I thought I would share a recent Case Study on the impact we can bring to a race advertiser, sponsor, or even the race itself. In a crowded digital world with endless ads, it's often difficult to reach a targeted audience with a message. Our integrated platform does this better than anything we've ever seen. Let's go slightly deeper.
Our own company spends thousands of dollars every month on ads on Google, Facebook and elsewhere to reach potential races and possible race timers. In the game of internet advertising, impressions are typically priced by what is called CPM. That's just a fancy way of saying you will pay X dollars to reach 1,000 possible customers. The problem with Google or Facebook ads is that there is no guarantee you are truly reaching the audience you desire. Yes, you might make some impact, but the truth is that you're throwing a lot of money at something that may not have a huge impact. On Facebook or Google, we typically spend about $10 o $20 to reach every 1,000 people. Thus, our CPM is $15 on average. According to industry experts, that's not unusual. Some advertisers spend upwards of $25to $30 dollars if they are in a consumer products business. Now let's get back to our case study.
Because of our incredible integration and automated processes, we can deliver 1,000 impressions for typically 25 cents! That's correct, a CPM of 25 cents. We have a database of millions of athletes who have been in Jaguar timed races. We have nearly 800,000 subscribers to our digital magazine called RaceTimes. We have over 45 million photos in our database of athletes in races. We have nearly 20 different touch points in our platform where an advertiser can deliver their message. We can segment our digital data by territory, state, city, country, mileage radius, age range, level of athletic skill, by total number of races someone has done, and so much more. Our Data Warehouse is vast and we can leverage it to bring our message to a highly targeted group of people. In reality, we could easily charge $30 per CPM. But we don't. That's because we truly consider ourselves as a partner in your business. We succeed when you succeed, so it really is a win-win proposition.